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1. Charity begins at home. 施捨先及親友。

[注] 這句諺語常被用來作爲不幫助外人的藉口。但句中charity的真正含義應該是“仁愛、善良”,也就是說這句諺語的真正意思是:仁愛始於家庭。如


2. Curses, like chickens, come home to roost. 詛咒他人者,自己遭其殃。

[注] 與漢語諺語“搬起石頭打自己的腳”有相似之處。

3. One good turn deserves another. 以德報德。

4. Help a lame dog over a stile. 幫助跛足的狗越過柵欄。

[注] 此諺語勸人要助人於困苦危難之時。

5. A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse. 獅子也可能會受惠於耗子。

[注] 意指有時候弱者也能幫助強者。

6. Virtue is its own reward. 施恩本身是善報。

[注] 對人施恩,自己心裏舒暢,這本身就是一種好的回報。類似中國諺語:施恩不圖報。

7. Better to be poisoned in one's blood, than to be posioned in one's principles.


8. Better late than never, but better still, never late.


9. Borrowed clothes don't fit the body; borrowed thoughts don't fit the mind.


10. Practise what you preach. 要求別人做到,自己首先做到。

12. Exchange is no robbery. 交換絕非強奪。

[注] 常被用來爲不公平交換辯解。

13. A good name is sooner lost than won. 贏得好名聲難,失去好名聲易。

14. The poor man wants much ,but the miser everything.


15. Grasp all, lose all. 貪多必失。

16. The love of money is the root of all evil. 財欲爲萬惡之源。

17. Zeal without prudence is frenzy. 沒有理智的熱情就是瘋狂。

18. Forbidden fruit is sweetest. 禁果最甜。

[注] 意指最喜歡做的事,是被禁止去做的事。

類似的有:Stolen pleasures are sweetest. 偷歡最甜心。

19. Many without punishment, none without sin. 人人都有罪,但並非人人受懲罰。

20. Prosperity is descovers vices and adversity virtues.


21. The lust for the superfluous is folly, for it has no bounds.



1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


[注]相似的諺語有: Variety is the spice of life. 多彩是生活的樂趣。

2. Any port in a storm. 風暴中能停泊的地方都是避風港。


3. Half a loaf is better than no bread. 廖勝於無。

4. The apple on the other side of the wall are the sweetest.


[注] 我們得不到的東西似乎總比我們可以得到的東西要好。

參見另一句: Forbidden fruit is sweetest. 禁果最甜。

5. As you make your bed,so you must lie in it .


6. As you sow , so shall you reap. 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。

7. A bed penny always comes back.


8. The beaten road is the safest. 大家都走的路最安全。

[注] 另一句相似的諺語是:

The longest way round is the nearest way home.


9. The best is often the enemy of the good. 凡事過於求全,有時反無成就。

[注] 這句諺語的意思是:要求過高往往難以成功。當我們試圖把一件東西做的盡善盡美時,我們往往反倒把本來已經夠好的`東西損壞了。


If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.


10. Between two stools you fall to the ground. 不當機立斷,必兩頭落空。

[注] 另一句相似的諺語是: If you run after two hares,you will catch neither.


11. Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鳥不相鬥。

12. Call no man happy till he is dead. 人活着不可能幸福。

[注] 這句諺語悲觀地告訴人們人生註定不幸福。

13. Don't tell tales out of school. 不要揭露他人的隱私。

14. A door must be either shut or open. 非開即閉,非此即彼。

[注] 一扇門不可能既開着又關着,你必須在開與關之間做出選擇。(魚與熊掌不可兼得)


You can't sell the cow and drink the milk. 賣了奶牛就喝不到牛奶

You can't serve the God and the Mammon. 不能即侍奉上帝又侍奉財神。

15. Enough for today is the evil thereof. 滿足今日,後必有禍。

16. Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard. 家家有醜事。

[注] 與此相關的中國諺語有:家醜不可外揚。/家家都有本難唸的經。

17. Every flow must have its ebb. 潮漲自有潮落時。

18. Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. 人人顧自己,落後者遭殃。

[注]參見另一句諺語: Self-preservation is the first law of nature.


19. Every man has his price. 人人都能被買通。(或:人各有其價。)

[注] 這句諺語指:在緊要關頭沒有一個人是絕對正直的,如果出個好價,也就是說鉅額賄賂能使每個人做出不體面的事情。他所接受的賄賂就是他被買通


20. Fools go in throngs. 傻瓜總是成羣結隊。(或:物以類聚,人以羣分)