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參考例句:At the ripe old age of 21

正值21歲高齡 had the strength and sangfroid of a woman in the prime of life.

她具有正值青春的.少婦的力量和沉著。 When the party arrives in Jerusalem, it is passover time

當整隊人馬到達耶路撒冷時,正值逾越節。She was in her early teens.

她正值豆蔻年華。He is at the meridian of life.

他正值壯年。Condensation occurs when the supersaturation is positive

當過飽和是正值時,則出現凝結。He is such a lazy bum that he stays home every day, though he is in the prime of life.

這傢伙正值壯年, 卻整天躺在家裡, 真是個懶鬼! My teenaged nephew's face is covered with zits.

我那正值青春期的侄子臉上長滿青春痘。"At both of these two charities, during the severe winter which was now on, Hurstwood was a frequent visitor."

眼下正值嚴冬,赫斯渥就成為上述兩個慈善機構的常客。The experiment took place when computers were still pretty exotic new devices to find in a public school.


adj. 誠實的,正直的;坦率的

All this is honest money.

這些錢都是正大光明地賺來的。I like this honest wine.

我喜歡喝這種純正的葡萄酒。 Be honest rather clever

誠實比聰明更要緊Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear

忠言逆耳They live by honest labor.


n. 直柱

adj. 筆直的;正直的

adv. 垂直(豎立)地

upright steamer

立式蒸鍋 He was upright, hearty, and robust.

他身材筆直,精神飽滿,體魄壯。The piano was nearly always an upright.

鋼琴差不多總是直立式的。He carried himself upright.

他極力讓自己支撐著。Something, such as a goal post, that stands upright.
